Frequently Asked Questions


  • Harper Adam University, TF10 8NB

  • Other venues to be confirmed

What is the cost of the Remote Pilot & Drone Spraying Certification

The cost of this course is £3,000 + VAT which must be paid upfront and in full to secure a training date/place. Once you have booked on to a course you must contact us via email ( or phone (+44 (0)7961573809) to make payment, your place is not confirmed until payment has been made.

Methods of Payment

Payment can be made by credit or debit card or bank transfer, details will be provided once you have booked a place and contacted us to arrange payment. For Group Bookings, which require a quote to raise a purchase order, Please contact

What does that cost include?

The cost includes all upfront material (access to Pre-read and reference materials ) and the five days of attended training plus Level 1 pilot certificate.

How long is the course?

The course is 5 days long and all 5 days must be attended to attain certification as a UAV drone spraying operative.

Is there any pre-work I need to complete?

Yes, there is reference material which you are expected to have read, to ensure you have some understanding, before attending this course. This course ideally should be booked at least 4 weeks in advance to allow time for pre-reading.

What do I need to bring with me?

Sturdy footwear

Warm Clothing

Your personal drone with evidence you have 2 hours flying experience with it (log)

What does the course offer?

The course provides a successful candidate with the following : 

  1. CAA Approved General Visual Line of Sight Qualification

  2. LANTRA Approved "Safe use of pesticides" certification

  3. LANTRA Approved "Applying Chemicals With a Drone" certification

  4. Hands on maintenance and flight planning.

Route to operating, Post course:

After a candidate has completed the course, there are three routes for an individual / organisation to operate drones over 25Kgs and to drop articles for Agricultural / Horticultural and Forestry purposes. 

Please note, that the use of spraying and spreading of a Pesticide is subject to additional Legislation and not permitted, unless an Aerial Permit is obtained from the HSE. At no time are Pesticides used or sprayed for the purposes of this course nor at any HAU sites. 

  1. Develop their own Operational Safety Case and obtain an independent OA. The course assists in demonstrating competence for this. 

  2. We consult and assist the development of their OSC and hand hold through the OA application process. Again the course assists in demonstrating competence. 

  3. A hybrid approach to the above. An individual or organisation as a client may be allowed to operate for us, under our OA for a temporary period in order to allow training and an OSC be developed using either the methods 1 or 2 as described above. This follows an independent case by case assessment.

Guidance for the CAA OSC process can be found within Civil Aviation Publication 722A.